
Represents a control that displays any html file in an IFrame element.

The Wisej.Web.IFramePanel control can be used to show embedded web pages.

For a full list of properties, methods and events see the API documentation.



The Url property of the IFramePanel can be used to assign any valid webpage to the control, such as another Wisej application.

The Wisej IFramePanel control has the same Cross-Origin policies and limitations as the standard HTML IFrame element. Learn more here.


JavaScript Widget


Class name


Theme appearance

"panel", see Themes.

Child components

"pane" is the container. "captionbar" is the header. "title" is the title of the panel. "icon" is the icon of the panel, if applicable. "close-button" is the close button of the panel, if applicable. See JavaScript.

Source Code

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