
Represents a web page that fills the browser and acts as the main container for the application. An application can have only one active page at any given time.

The Page control is the center point of activity in a Wisej application. It's a container used to show content to a user (alongside the Form and Desktop).

Only one Page can be shown to the user at a time.

For a full list of properties, methods and events see the API documentation.

There are several ways to navigate between pages in a Wisej application.


Using the Show() method on a Page instance will show the page to the user, replacing any previously-displayed page.

Calling Show() will not dispose any previously-shown Page, but rather it stays in the Application.OpenPages collections for later usage.

Showing a previously-hidden Page:


Setting MainPage

If a Page needs to be replaced, set the Application.MainPage property.

Setting Application.MainPage will not dispose any previously-shown Page, but rather it stays in the Application.OpenPages collections for later usage.

Switching the application's page will not affect the shown Form instances.



The AutoScroll property of the Page control indicates whether scroll bars automatically appear when the control contents are larger than its visible area.


JavaScript Widget


Class name


Theme appearance

"page", see Themes.

Child components

"pane" is the page. See JavaScript.

Source code

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