Displays information to the user in a about the object being viewed, the object's components, or the object's operation.
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Displays information to the user in a about the object being viewed, the object's components, or the object's operation.
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Typically, a StatusBar control consists of StatusBarPanel objects, each of which displays text and/or an icon. You can also provide owner-drawn panels to provide custom panels such as a progress bar or a series of images that displays the state of your application. A StatusBar control typically displays information about an object being viewed on a Form, the object's components, or contextual information that relates to that object's operation within your application.
The StatusBar control provides properties that enable you to customize the appearance of the control. If the StatusBar is displayed on a form that can be resized, you can use the SizingGrip property to display a sizing grip in the lower-right corner of the form to indicate to users that the form can be resized. The ShowPanels property enables you to display panels within your StatusBar or to display only the value of the Text property of the control.
For a full list of properties, methods and events see the API documentation.
The AutoSize property of the StatusBarPanel provides a few preset ways to customize the size of the panel.
None: The StatusBarPanel does not change size when the control resizes.
Spring: The StatusBarPanel uses the available space on the StatusBar.
Contents: The width of the StatusBarPanel is determined by its contents.
Any number of Panels can be added to a StatusBar using the Panels property. The panels can be customized to include an icon, text, and custom spacing.
Class name
Theme appearance
Child components
Source code
"statusbar", see .
"label" is the container for the status bar's labels. "panel" is the statusbar container. "grip" is the drag button in the bottom right corner. See .