
Wisej provides a number of "editor" controls to allow the user to enter content into the application. Typically an editor control corresponds to an <input> element in the browser.

There are fundamentally four kinds of editors: TextBoxes, UpDown (aka Spinners), Pickers, and ComboBox controls. In this section, we explain the TextBox, UpDown, and Pickers, while the ComboBox is under the Lists & Grids section.

TextBox Controls

All TextBox controls are derived from the TextBoxBase class and generally provide a consistent set of properties, events, and features.

In the browser, the controls are rendered as a <div> container with an <input> element inside.

UpDown (Spinner) Controls

All UpDown controls are derived from the UpDownBase class. In the browser, the controls are rendered as a <div> container with an <input> element and two +/- buttons.

Currently, we support a numeric spinner, a text spinner, and a time spinner.

Picker Controls

There is only one Picker control, the DateTimePicker and there is no common base class other than the Control class, which is the base class for all controls in Wisej.

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