

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a label control.

public class Label : Control, IButtonControl, IImage, IErrorProvider, ICommandSource


Initializes a new instance of the Label class.

Initializes a new instance of the Label class.



Initial text.

Initializes a new instance of the Label class.



Initial text.


Initial location.


Initial size.


Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display HTML in the Text property. (Default: False)

Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when AllowHtml is false, or when AllowHtml is true and the text doesn't contain any HTML.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the ellipsis character (...) appears at the right edge of the label, denoting that the text extends beyond the size of the label. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control resizes based on its contents. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether a tooltip is displayed when the text extends beyond the size of the label. (Default: False)

The auto tooltip is set on the browser using the title attribute managed by the browser, does not use the themed tooltip managed by Wisej.NET.

BorderStyle: Indicates the border style for the control. (Default: None)

CharacterCasing: Returns or sets the case of the text to display to the user. (Default: Normal)

ICommand: Returns or sets the ICommand implementation to invoke. (Default: null)

DialogResult: Returns or sets a value that is returned to the parent form when the button is clicked. (Default: None)

Boolean: Enables or disables the browser's context menu. (Default: False)

Image: Returns or sets the image that is displayed on a Label.

ContentAlignment: Returns or sets the alignment of an image that is displayed in the control. (Default: MiddleCenter)

Int32: Returns or sets the image list index value of the image displayed on the label control. (Default: -1)


String: Returns or sets the key accessor for the image in the ImageList. (Default: "")

ImageList: Returns or sets the ImageList that contains the images to display in the Label control. (Default: null)

String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the image to display in the Label.

String: Returns or sets the text associated with this control. (Default: "")

Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when AllowHtml is false, or when AllowHtml is true and the text doesn't contain any HTML.

ContentAlignment: Returns or sets the alignment of text in the label. (Default: TopLeft)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the first character that is preceded by an ampersand (&) is used as the mnemonic key of the control. (Default: True)


Generates a Click event for the LinkLabel control.


EventHandler Fired when the Command property value changes.

Inherited By


Represents an hyper-link control.



Bindable components implement this interface.

Allows a control to act like a button on a Form.

Defines an object that can invoke a Command.

Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.

Exposes a common api implemented by components that can collect errors in relation to a Control.

Provides access to common image properties across the controls that implement this interface.

All wisej components implement this interface.

All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.

Allows an object to serialize itself.

Last updated