
Wisej.Web.CheckedListBox CheckedIndexCollection

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents the collection containing the indexes to the selected items in a CheckedListBox.

public class CheckedIndexCollection : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable


Int32: Returns the number of selected items.

Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether this collection can be modified.

Int32: Returns the index of a checked item in the CheckedListBox control.


  • ArgumentException The index is less than zero.-or- The index is not in the collection.


Determines if the specified index is located within the collection.

Returns: Boolean. true if the index is located within the collection; otherwise, false.

Copies the entire collection into an existing array at a specified location within the array.


Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the CheckedIndices collection.

Returns: IEnumerator. An IEnumerator for navigating through the list.

Returns an index into the collection of checked indexes.

Returns: Int32. The index that specifies the index of the checked item or -1 if the index parameter is not in the checked indexes collection.

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