

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a Wisej control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.

public class GroupBox : Control


Initializes a new instance of the GroupBox class.

Initializes a new instance of the GroupBox class with the specified text.



The text to display on the GroupBox.


An array of control objects to add to the GroupBox.

Initializes a new instance of the GroupBox class with the specified controls, text, and collapsed state.



The text to display on the GroupBox.


Initial location.


Initial size.


An array of control objects to add to the GroupBox.


Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display html in the Text property. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the GroupBox resizes based on its contents. (Default: False)

AutoSizeMode: Returns or sets the mode by which the Button automatically resizes itself. (Default: GrowOnly)

Boolean: Gets or sets whether the checkbox next to the group box title is checked or unchecked. (Default: True)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the GroupBox is collapsed or expanded. (Default: False)

Rectangle: Returns a rectangle that represents the inner dimensions of the GroupBox control.

Boolean: Enables or disables right-to-left layout when the value of RightToLeft is Yes (Default: False)

Boolean: Gets or sets whether the group box shows a checkbox next to the text. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates the GroupBox displays the open/close button next to the title. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the first character that is preceded by an ampersand (&) is used as the mnemonic key of the control. (Default: True)


EventHandler Fired when the value of the Checked property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the groupbox is collapsed.

EventHandler Fired when the groupbox is expanded.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the RightToLeftLayout property changes.



Bindable components implement this interface.

Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.

All wisej components implement this interface.

All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.

Allows an object to serialize itself.

Last updated