

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Validates telephone numbers.

public class TelephoneValidationRule : ValidationRule


Initializes a new instance of the TelephoneValidationRule class.


Boolean: Returns or sets whether to format the value of the control after validation. (Default: False)

String: Returns or sets the character mask used to validate the telephone number. It is based on the MaskedTextProvider implementation. (Default: "")

MaskedTextProvider: Returns the MaskedTextProvider used to validate the control's text.

String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Telephone")

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: False)


Invoked after the control has been successfully validated.

Validates the control using the validation rule.

Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.

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