

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Displays a message box that can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.

public class MessageBox : Component


Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button.



The text to display in the message box. Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when the text doesn't contain any html.

The text to display in the title bar of the message box.

One of the MessageBoxButtons values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxIcon values that specifies which icon to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxDefaultButton values that specifies the default button for the message box.

Indicates whether the message box is modal and waits for the user response before resuming execution. When set to false, the return valid is always DialogResult.None. The default is true - modal.

Allows the message text to include HTML code.

Keeps the message box in the viewable area when being moved by the user. The default is false.

Indicates whether the dialog box should display it's content right aligned.

Optional async handler for the close event; called when the MessageBox has been closed.

Returns: DialogResult. One of the DialogResult values.

Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button.



An implementation of Form that owns the modal dialog box.


The text to display in the message box. Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when the text doesn't contain any html.

The text to display in the title bar of the message box.

One of the MessageBoxButtons values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxIcon values that specifies which icon to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxDefaultButton values that specifies the default button for the message box.

Indicates whether the dialog box is modal and waits for the user response before resuming execution. When set to false, the return valid is always DialogResult.None. The default is true - modal.

Allows the message text to include HTML code.

Keeps the message box in the viewable area when being moved by the user. The default is false.

Indicates whether the dialog box should display it's content right aligned.

Optional async handler for the close event; called when the MessageBox has been closed.

Returns: DialogResult. One of the DialogResult values.

Asynchronously displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button.



The text to display in the message box. Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when the text doesn't contain any html.

The text to display in the title bar of the message box.

One of the MessageBoxButtons values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxIcon values that specifies which icon to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxDefaultButton values that specifies the default button for the message box.

Indicates whether the dialog box is modal and waits for the user response before resuming execution. When set to false, the return valid is always DialogResult.None. The default is true - modal.

Allows the message text to include HTML code.

Keeps the message box in the viewable area when being moved by the user. The default is false.

Indicates whether the dialog box should display it's content right aligned.

Returns: Task<DialogResult>. One of the DialogResult values.

Asynchronously displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button, options, and Help button.



An implementation of Form that owns the modal dialog box.


The text to display in the message box. Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when the text doesn't contain any html.

The text to display in the title bar of the message box.

One of the MessageBoxButtons values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxIcon values that specifies which icon to display in the message box.

One of the MessageBoxDefaultButton values that specifies the default button for the message box.

Indicates whether the dialog box is modal and waits for the user response before resuming execution. When set to false, the return valid is always DialogResult.None. The default is true - modal.

Allows the message text to include HTML code.

Keeps the message box in the viewable area when being moved by the user. The default is false.

Indicates whether the dialog box should display it's content right aligned.

Returns: Task<DialogResult>. One of the DialogResult values.



All wisej components implement this interface.

Allows an object to serialize itself.

Last updated