

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Manages a related set of TabPage pages.

public class TabControl : Control


Initializes a new instance of the TabControl class.

Initializes a new instance of the TabControl class with the specified initial settings.



An Action delegate to handle the SelectedIndexChanged event.

Initializes a new instance of the TabControl class with the specified initial settings.



An array of TabPage objects to be added to the TabControl.


An Action delegate to handle the SelectedIndexChanged event.

Initializes a new instance of the TabControl class with the specified initial settings.



The location of the TabControl on its parent control.


The size of the TabControl.


An Action delegate to handle the SelectedIndexChanged event.

Initializes a new instance of the TabControl class with the specified initial settings.



The location of the TabControl on its parent control.


The size of the TabControl.


An array of TabPage objects to be added to the TabControl.


An Action delegate to handle the SelectedIndexChanged event.


TabAlignment: Returns or sets the area of the control (for example, along the top) where the tabs are aligned.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can change the position of a tab button by dragging it. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets the option to automatically activate the first focusable control of the TabPage when the SelectedTab is changed. Since 3.5.4 (Default: False)

BorderStyle: Indicates the border style for the control. (Default: Solid)

Display: Returns or sets the Display mode of the control to determine whether to display the icon, the text or both. (Default: Both)

Rectangle: Returns the display area of the control's tab pages.

ImageList: Returns or sets the images to display on the control's tabs. (Default: null)

Size: Returns or sets the fixed size of the tab buttons. The default value is Empty to use the itemSize set in the current theme or auto sizing.

When set to Empty (default) it uses the itemSize set in the theme. You can also set only the width or the height and leave the other value set to 0 to use the value in the current theme or auto sizing. The width (or height when Alignment is Left or Right) is applied when the value SizeMode is Fixed or Center. The height (or width when Alignment is Top or Bottom) is applied always.

Orientation: Returns or sets a value indicating the horizontal or vertical orientation of the TabControl tabs.

Int32: Returns the number of rows that are currently being displayed in the control's tab strip.

Int32: Returns or sets the number of pixels to scroll when the scroll buttons are pressed. (Default: 15)


Int32: Returns or sets the index of the currently selected tab page. (Default: -1)


TabPage: Returns or sets the currently selected tab page.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether a tab's ToolTip is shown when the mouse passes over the tab. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the tab visibility menu button is visible. (Default: False)

TabSizeMode: Returns or sets whether the tab buttons should fill the control's size, or placed in the center, or use the size set in ItemSize.

Int32: Gets the number of tabs in the tab strip.

TabPageCollection: Returns the collection of tab pages in this tab control.


Makes the tab following the tab with the specified index the current tab.



The index in the TabPages collection of the tab to deselect.


Makes the tab following the specified TabPage the current tab.



The TabPage to deselect.


Makes the tab following the tab with the specified name the current tab.



The Name of the tab to deselect.


Returns the TabPage control at the specified location.



The index of the TabPage to get.

Returns: Control. The TabPage at the specified location.


Returns the bounding rectangle for the tab button of the TabPage at the specified index in this TabControl control.



The zero-based index of the tab page for which to retrieve the bounding rectangle of the tab button.

Returns: Rectangle. A Rectangle that represents the bounds of the specified tab.

Bounding rectangles for the tab buttons are received from the client and are updated asynchronously. If the application adds a tab page, or changes any property that causes the tab button to be resized (orientation, sizing, text, alignment, etc.) it cannot immediately after retrieve the new bounds. When the tab rectangles are updated, the TabControl will fire the StyleChanged event to inform the application that the bounding rectangles have been updated. In alternative, you can use the GetTabRect and GetTabRectAsync overloads to query the client and receive the new bounding rectangle for the request tab page. Bounding rectangles are always empty until the TabControl has been rendered on the client. Throws:

Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the tab button of the TabPage at the specified index in this TabControl control.



The zero-based index of the tab page for which to retrieve the bounding rectangle of the tab button.


Callback method that will receive the bounding rectangle for the request tab button.

Bounding rectangles are always empty until the TabControl has been rendered on the client. Throws:

Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the tab button of the TabPage at the specified index in this TabControl control.



The zero-based index of the tab page for which to retrieve the bounding rectangle of the tab button.

Returns: Task<Rectangle>.

Bounding rectangles are always empty until the TabControl has been rendered on the client. Throws:

Makes the tab with the specified index the current tab.



The index in the TabPages collection of the tab to select.


Makes the specified TabPage the current tab.



The TabPage to select.


Makes the tab with the specified name the current tab.



The Name of the tab to select.



TabControlEventHandler Fired when a tab is deselected.

TabControlCancelEventHandler Occurs before a tab is deselected, enabling a handler to cancel the tab change.

EventHandler Fired when the value of ScrollStep changes.

TabControlEventHandler Fired when a tab is selected.

EventHandler Fired when the SelectedIndex property has changed.

TabControlCancelEventHandler Occurs before a tab is selected, enabling a handler to cancel the tab change.

TabControlEventHandler Occurs after a tab is closed by the user and has been removed from the tab control.

TabControlCancelEventHandler Occurs before a tab is closed by the user, enabling a handler to cancel the tab closing.

TabControlEventHandler Fired when the user drags a TabPage into a new position and the AllowUserToMoveTabs property is set to true.

TabControlEventHandler Occurs after a tab is shown or hidden by the user through the ShowVisibilityMenu or programmatically through the Hidden property.



Bindable components implement this interface.

Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.

All wisej components implement this interface.

All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.

Allows an object to serialize itself.

Last updated