Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Specifies how an object or text in a control is horizontally aligned relative to an element of the control.
The object or text is aligned in the center of the control element.
The object or text is aligned on the left of the control element.
The object or text is aligned on the right of the control element.
Used By
Arranges all the child Control using the specified dock style, spaced by spacing pixels.
Scrolls the control into view in the container using the specified alignX and alignY preferences.
Returns or sets how text is aligned in a TextBox control.
Returns or sets the alignment of the header text in the Panel control.
Scrolls the specified child control into view. using the specified alignX and alignY preferences.
Returns or sets how text is aligned in a TextBox control.
Returns or sets the alignment of the text in the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
Returns or sets the alignment of the up and down buttons on the spin box (also known as an up-down control).
Return or sets the alignment of the Items in the taskbar.
Determines the horizontal alignment of the child controls when LayoutStyle is set to Vertical.
Determines the horizontal alignment of the child control within the panel when LayoutStyle is set to Vertical.
Scrolls the specified child control into view. using the specified alignX preference.
Returns or sets the horizontal alignment of the text displayed in the ColumnHeader.
Returns or sets how text is aligned in a StatusBar control.
Returns or sets the alignment of text and icons within the status bar panel.
Adds a column header to the collection with specified text, width, and alignment settings.
Creates a new column header and inserts it into the collection at the specified index.
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