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Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Adds a label to the control it is attached to.
Controls that expose a "Label" property, can display a label in the position defined by Position. The label can automatically grow to fill the control's width or height (depending on the value of Position) using either an absolute Size, a percentage, or the size that best fits the label. Size modes (values of SizeType:
This class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. To listen to property changes, simply attach to the PropertyChanged event. Pointer events (MouseClick, MouseDown, etc.) occurring on the label associated with a control can be detected by checking if Role property contains the value "label". There are several additional properties and styles defined in the theme that can affect how the label behaves in the different positions and states set under the appearance key "label-wrapper".
Initializes a new instance of the LabelWrapper class not bound to any control. It's used by the designer serializer to detect when the Label property is fully inherited.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the label can contain HTML code.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether to append the ... symbol when the text doesn't fit the label.
CharacterCasing: Returns or sets the case of the text to display to the user.
Font: Returns or sets the font of the label.
Color: Returns or sets the color of the label. This property can be defined in the theme.
Int32: Returns or sets the maximum size of the label in pixels.
When Position is Left or Right, MinSize refers to the maximum width of the label. When Position is Top or Bottom, MinSize refers to the maximum height of the label. Otherwise it's ignored.
Int32: Returns or sets the minimum size of the label in pixels.
When Position is Left or Right, MinSize refers to the minimum width of the label. When Position is Top or Bottom, MinSize refers to the minimum height of the label. Otherwise it's ignored.
Padding: Returns or sets the additional padding around the label. This property can be defined in the theme.
LabelPosition: Returns or sets the position of the label in relation to the associated editor control.
Int32: Returns or sets the size of the label in pixels or percentage, depending on the value of SizeType.
When SizeType is Absolute, the value of Size is in pixels, when it's Percent the value is the percentage of the total width or hight. Otherwise it is ignored. When Position is Left or Right, Size refers to the width of the label. When Position is Top or Bottom, Size refers to the height of the label. Otherwise it's ignored.
SizeType: Returns or sets how to determine the size of the label.
String: Returns or sets the text to display in the label. Set to null or empty to disable the label altogether.
ContentAlignment: Returns or sets the text alignment of the label.
Boolean: Return or sets whether to interpret the first character prefixed by & as the accelerator key.