

Namespace: Wisej.Core

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Properties of the client browser currently interacting with the application.

public class ClientBrowser







CultureInfo: Returns the locale declared in the application configuration file or detected from the client browser.

String: Device type. Can be one of "Mobile", "Tablet" or "Desktop".

Object: Returns the set of features supported/not-supported by the browser. Currently we detect: geolocation, webSocket, fullScreen, speechSynthesis, speechRecognition, notification, fullScreen, browserStorage.

String: IP Address of the client computer.

Boolean: Returns true if the browser is using dark mode. Since 3.0.10

Boolean: Returns true if the browser is in full screen mode.

Boolean: Returns true if the connection is secure.

String: Client language.

String: Client OS. Can be one of "iOS", "Android", "WebOS", "BlackBerry", "MacOS", "Linux", "Windows", "Unix", "Other".

Double: Returns the ratio of the resolution in physical pixels to the resolution in CSS pixels for the current display device.


Size: Screen size.

String: Returns the session ID associated with this ClientBrowser.

Size: Browser size. This is the window size, which can be different from the device (or screen) size.

String: Identifies the browser tab associated with with this ClientBrowser instance.

Int32: Returns the time difference between UTC time and local time, in minutes.

String: Browser type. Can be one of "IE", "Edge", "Chrome", "Opera", "Firefox", "Safari", "Other".

String: Returns the raw user agent string of the client browser.

Object: Returns a value or map set by the client when loading the application's first HTML page.

An application can use this property to retrieve a custom value on startup. For example, in Default.html add:

Wisej.userData = {
value1: 100,
someName: "test"

On the server side, you can retrieve the user data use at any time like this:

int value1 = Application.Browser.UserData.value1;
string value2 = Application.Browser.UserData.someName;

When used in conjunction with an aspx startup page (Default.aspx) it allows the application to retrieve data passed as a POST request and pass it to the Wisej application.

Int32: Browser version.

Last updated