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Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents an individual cell in a DataGridView control.
Initializes a new instance of DataGridViewCell.
Boolean: Returns true if the cell allows for HTML rendering of its value.
Boolean: Returns true if the cell allows for HTML rendering of its value.
String: Returns the name of the cell renderer to use on the client side to render the cell. If it's null or empty, it defaults to "Cell".
The name of the cell renderer can be a fully qualified class name (i.e. "wisej.web.datagrid.cellRenderer.Cell") or just the class name (i.e. "ImageCell") in which case the client library prepends "wisej.web.datagrid.cellRenderer".
Int32: Returns the column index for this cell.
ICommand: Returns or sets the ICommand implementation to invoke. (Default: null
ContextMenu: Returns or sets the shortcut menu associated with the cell. (Default: null
Control: Returns or sets a child control to display inside the cell.
DataGridView: Returns the DataGridView control associated with this DataGridViewCell.
Object: Returns the default value for a cell in the row for new records.
Boolean: Returns a value that indicates whether the cell is currently displayed.
Boolean: Returns whether the cell can be edited.
Object: Returns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode and the value has not been committed.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The row containing the cell is a shared row; or the cell is a column header cell.
InvalidOperationException ColumnIndex is less than 0, indicating that the cell is a row header cell.
Exception Formatting failed and either there is no handler for the DataError event of the DataGridView control or the handler set the ThrowException property to true. The exception object can typically be cast to type FormatException.
Type: Returns the type of the cell's hosted editing control.
String: Returns or sets the text describing an error condition associated with the cell.
Object: Returns the value of the cell as formatted for display.
InvalidOperationException ColumnIndex is less than 0, indicating that the cell is a row header cell.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The row containing the cell is a shared row; or the cell is a column header cell.
Exception Formatting failed and either there is no handler for the DataError event of the DataGridView control or the handler set the ThrowException property to true. The exception object can typically be cast to type FormatException.
Type: Returns the type of the formatted value associated with the cell.
TypeConverter: Returns the type converter to use to convert a formatted value to the cell's value type.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the cell is frozen.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the ErrorText property has been set.
Boolean: Returns true it the Style property has been set.
Boolean: Returns true if the ToolTipText property has been set.
Boolean: Checks if the UserData dynamic object was created and has any value.
Boolean: Returns true if the ValueType property has been set.
Int32: Returns the height of the cell.
DataGridViewElementStates: Returns the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column.
ArgumentException The cell is not contained within a DataGridView control and the value of its RowIndex property is not -1.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The cell is contained within a DataGridView control and the value of its RowIndex property is -1.
DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns the style currently applied to the cell.
InvalidOperationException The cell does not belong to a DataGridView control; or ColumnIndex is less than 0, indicating that the cell is a row header cell.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The row containing the cell is a shared row; or the cell is a column header cell.
Boolean: Returns whether this is the current cell in the DataGridView.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether this cell is currently being edited.
DataGridViewColumn: Returns the column that contains this cell.
DataGridViewRow: Returns the row that contains this cell.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the cell's data can be edited.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the cell can be resized.
Int32: Returns the index of the cell's parent row.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the cell has been selected.
Size: Returns the size of the cell.
DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns or sets the style for the cell.
DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns the current cell style without forcing the creation of a new one.
Object: Returns or sets the object that contains supplemental data about the cell. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the ToolTip text associated with this cell.
Object: Returns a dynamic object that can be used to store custom data in relation to this cell.
Boolean: Enables or disables the user paint feature for this cell. When UserPaint is true, the application can handle the CellPaint event to draw custom content in the cell. (Default: False
Object: Returns or sets the value associated with this cell.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException RowIndex is outside the valid range of 0 to the number of rows in the control minus 1.
InvalidOperationException ColumnIndex is less than 0, indicating that the cell is a row header cell.
Type: Returns or sets the data type of the values in the cell.
TypeConverter: Return the type converter to use to convert the value in the cell to the formatted value.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the cell is in a row or column that has been hidden.
Int32: Returns the width of the cell.
Creates a copy of this cell.
Returns: DataGridViewCell. The cloned DataGridViewCell.
Creates a new instance of the edit control used to edit values in this cell.
Returns: Control.
Releases the resources used by the DataGridViewCell.
Converts the text into HTML.
Returns: String.
Converts the text into plain text.
Returns: String.
Returns the data value for the cell ready to be rendered on the client.
Returns: Object.
Returns the formatted value of the cell to copy to the Clipboard.
true to indicate that the cell is in the first column of the region defined by the selected cells; otherwise, false.
true to indicate that the cell is the last column of the region defined by the selected cells; otherwise, false.
true to indicate that the cell is in the first row of the region defined by the selected cells; otherwise, false.
true to indicate that the cell is in the last row of the region defined by the selected cells; otherwise, false.
Returns: Object. An Object that represents the value of the cell to copy to the Clipboard.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException rowIndex is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of rows in the control.
InvalidOperationException The value of the cell's DataGridView property is null.-or-ColumnIndex is less than 0, indicating that the cell is a row header cell.
Exception Formatting failed and either there is no handler for the DataError event of the DataGridView control or the handler set the ThrowException property to true. The exception object can typically be cast to type FormatException.
Returns: Object.
Returns the command bound to the cell.
Returns: ICommand. The value contained in the DataGridViewCell.
Returns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless the cell being in edit mode.
Returns: Object. The current, formatted value of the DataGridViewCell.
Exception Formatting failed and either there is no handler for the DataError event of the DataGridView control or the handler set the ThrowException property to true. The exception object can typically be cast to type FormatException.
Returns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless the cell being in edit mode.
Returns: Object. The current, formatted value of the DataGridViewCell.
Exception Formatting failed and either there is no handler for the DataError event of the DataGridView control or the handler set the ThrowException property to true. The exception object can typically be cast to type FormatException.
Returns a string that represents the error for the cell.
Returns: String. A string that describes the error for the current DataGridViewCell.
Returns the value of the cell as formatted for display.
Returns: Object.
Returns the value of the cell formatted for the client.
A TypeConverter providing custom conversion from the formatted type to the value type, or null if no custom conversion is required.
A TypeConverter providing custom conversion from the value type to the formatted type, or null if no custom conversion is required.
Returns: Object. The value of the cell or null if the cell does not belong to a DataGridView control.
Exception Formatting failed and there is no handler for the DataError event of the DataGridView or the handler set the ThrowException property to true.
Returns the inherited ContextMenu for the current cell.
Returns: ContextMenu. A ContextMenu instance if the DataGridViewCell, or the owner DataGridViewRow, or the owner DataGridViewColumn, or the owner DataGridView has a ContextMenu assigned; otherwise, null.
Returns a value indicating the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column.
Returns: DataGridViewElementStates. A combination of DataGridViewElementStates values representing the current state of the cell.
Returns the style applied to the cell.
true to include inherited visual properties; otherwise, false to include only formatting properties.
Returns: DataGridViewCellStyle. A DataGridViewCellStyle that includes the style settings of the cell inherited from the cell's parent row, column, and DataGridView.
InvalidOperationException The cell has no associated DataGridView.
Returns a string that represents the tooltip text for the cell.
Returns: String. A string that describes the tooltip text for the current DataGridViewCell.
Returns: String.
Returns the value of the cell.
Returns: Object. The value contained in the DataGridViewCell.
Initializes the control used to edit the cell.
The DataGridViewCellStyle that is in effect for the cell entering edit mode.
ArgumentNullException editor is null.
Raised when the contents of a cell need to be formatted for display.
A DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs that contains the event data.
Raised when the user clicks on a cell.
Called when the element is associated with a different DataGridView.
Raised when the user double-clicks on a cell.
Raised when the cell becomes the active cell.
Raised when the user types on the keyboard while the grid has the focus and it's not in edit more.
Raised when the cell is not the active cell anymore.
Raised when the user clicks or taps on a cell.
Raised when the user double-clicks or double-taps on a cell.
Converts a value to the actual cell value.
A TypeConverter for the display value type, or null to use the default converter.
A TypeConverter for the cell value type, or null to use the default converter.
Returns: Object. The cell value.
ArgumentNullException cellStyle is null.
FormatException The FormattedValueType property value is null or the ValueType property value is null or value cannot be converted.
ArgumentException value is null or the type of value does not match the type indicated by the FormattedValueType property.
Fires the CellCommandChanged event.
Renders the inherited style of the cell and returns the rendered definition.
Returns: Object.
Resets the ReadOnly state to inherit its value from the OwningColumn, OwningRowand the DataGridView.
Sets the command for the cell.
Returns: Boolean. True if the value has been set, otherwise false.
Sets the value of the cell.
Returns: Boolean. True if the value has been set, otherwise false.
Sets the value of the cell.
Returns: Boolean. True if the value has been set, otherwise false.
Indicates whether the cell data should be updated on the client even if the user didn't change the value when editing. Since 3.2.5
Returns: Boolean. true to force the cell to update the client.
Used to allow the server to update the cell after editing mode is terminated and the user didn't change anything. For example, a password cell can be obfuscated, or a custom cell may need to always format the rendered value when terminating edit mode.
Updates the cell on the client.
Displays a button widget in a DataGridViewCell cell.
Displays a CheckBox icon (not the actual control) in a DataGridViewCell cell.
Displays an editable ComboBox control in a DataGridViewCell cell when in edit mode.
Displays an editable DateTimePicker control in a DataGridViewCell cell when in edit mode.
Displays an image in a DataGridViewCell cell.
Displays a link widget in a DataGridViewCell cell.
Displays an editable MaskedTextBox control in a DataGridViewCell cell when in edit mode.
Displays an editable NumericUpDown control in a DataGridViewCell cell when in edit mode.
Displays an editable TextBox control in a DataGridViewCell cell when in edit mode.
Represents a column header in a DataGridView control.
Contains functionality common to row header cells and column header cells.
Represents a row header of a DataGridView control.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
Defines an object that can invoke a Command.