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Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a collection of DataGridViewColumn objects in a DataGridView control.
Initializes a new instance of the DataGridViewColumnCollection class for the given DataGridView.
Boolean: Returns or sets the dirty state for the collection. When true, the list of items must be sent back to the client.
Boolean: Returns or sets the new state for the collection. When true, the entire list is cleared and reloaded on the client.
DataGridViewColumn: Returns the column at the given index in the collection.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException index is less than zero or greater than the number of columns in the collection minus one.
DataGridViewColumn: Returns the column of the given name in the collection.
ArgumentNullException name is null.
IList: Returns the collection.
DataGridView: Returns the owner of the collection.
DataGridViewRowHeaderColumn: The row header column.
DataGridViewColumn[]: Returns the columns collection ordered by DisplayIndex.
Adds the given DataGridViewColumn to the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the column.
ArgumentNullException column is null.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control.
Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Adds a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn with the given column name to the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the column.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control.
Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Adds a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn with the given column name and call value type to the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the column.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control.
Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Adds a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn with the given column name and column header text to the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the column.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control.
Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Adds a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn with the given column name, column header text, and cell value type to the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the column.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control.
Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Adds a range of columns to the collection.
ArgumentNullException newColumns is null.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control.
Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Clears the collection.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added: - Selecting all cells in the control. - Clearing the selection.Updating column DisplayIndex property values. Or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events: - CellEnter - CellLeave - CellValidating - CellValidated - RowEnter - RowLeave - RowValidated - RowValidating
Clears the collection and disposes the columns.
Resets the cached sorted column collection.
Determines whether the collection contains the given DataGridViewColumn.
Returns: Boolean. true if the given column is in the collection; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the collection contains the given DataGridViewColumn.
Returns: Boolean. true if the given column is in the collection; otherwise, false.
Copies the items from the collection to the given array.
Release resources.
Returns the number of columns that match the includeFilter .
A combination of the DataGridViewElementStates values for inclusion.
Returns: Int32. The number of columns that match the filter.
ArgumentException includeFilter is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementStates values.
Returns the width, in pixels, required to display all of the columns that meet the includeFilter .
A combination of the DataGridViewElementStates values for inclusion.
Returns: Int32. The width, in pixels, that is necessary to display all of the columns that match the filter.
ArgumentException includeFilter is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementStates values.
Returns the first DataGridViewColumn in display order that matches the includeFilter and excludeFilter .
Returns: DataGridViewColumn. The first DataGridViewColumn in display order that matches the given filters, or null if no column is found.
ArgumentException At least one of the filter values is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementStates values.
Returns the last DataGridViewColumn in display order that matches the includeFilter and excludeFilter .
Returns: DataGridViewColumn. The last displayed DataGridViewColumn in display order that matches the specified filters, or null if no column is found.
ArgumentException At least one of the filter values is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementStates values.
Returns the first DataGridViewColumn after the given column in display order that matches the includeFilter and excludeFilter .
Returns: DataGridViewColumn. The next DataGridViewColumn that matches the filters, or null if no column is found.
ArgumentNullException startColumn is null.
ArgumentException At least one of the filter values is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementStates values.
Returns the last DataGridViewColumn prior to the given column in display order that matches the includeFilter and excludeFilter .
Returns: DataGridViewColumn. The previous column that matches the given filters, or null if no column is found.
ArgumentNullException startColumn is null.
ArgumentException At least one of the filter values is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementStates values.
Returns the index of the given DataGridViewColumn in the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the given DataGridViewColumn.
Returns the index of the DataGridViewColumn with the specified name from the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the given DataGridViewColumn.
ArgumentNullException name is null.
Inserts a DataGridViewColumn at the given index in the collection.
ArgumentNullException column is null.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control
Clearing the selection
Updating a column's DisplayIndex property value or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
or column already belongs to a DataGridView control; or the column 's SortMode property value is Automatic and the SelectionMode property value is FullColumnSelect or ColumnHeaderSelect. Use the control's BeginInit and EndInit methods to temporarily set conflicting property values; or the column 's InheritedAutoSizeMode property value is ColumnHeader and the ColumnHeadersVisible property value is false; or column has an InheritedAutoSizeMode property value of Fill and a Frozen property value of true; or column has DisplayIndex and Frozen property values that would display it among a set of adjacent columns with the opposite Frozen property value; or the DataGridView control contains at least one row and column has a CellType property value of null.
Fires the CollectionChanged event.
One of CollectionChangeAction indicating the reason the collection has changed.
Removes the specified DataGridViewColumn from the collection.
ArgumentException column is not in the collection.
ArgumentNullException column is null.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control
Clearing the selection
Updating a column's DisplayIndex property value or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Removes the DataGridViewColumn with the specified name from the collection.
ArgumentException name does not match the name of any column in the collection.
ArgumentNullException name is null.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control
Clearing the selection
Updating a column's DisplayIndex property value or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Removes the DataGridViewColumn at the given index in the collection.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException index is less than zero or greater than the number of columns in the control minus one.
InvalidOperationException The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new columns from being added:
Selecting all cells in the control
Clearing the selection
Updating a column's DisplayIndex property value or this method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:
Removes the DataGridViewColumn at the specified index in the collection without any check.
Renders the collection to the json definition for the client.
Returns: Object.
Moves the specified column to the new newIndex .
This method updates both the column's index in the column collection and the display index without firing the ColumnDisplayIndexChanged event.
Sorts all the columns in the collection by their display index.
This is used mainly (only?) by the column collection editor.
Returns: Int32.
CollectionChangeEventHandler Fired when the collection changes.