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Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items, each represented by a TreeNode.
Initializes a new instance of the TreeView class.
BorderStyle: Gets or sets the border style of the tree view control. (Default: Solid
Boolean: Returns or sets whether check boxes are displayed next to the tree nodes in the tree view control. Tree nodes may override this property setting the CheckBox property. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether all the node images are hidden. Tree nodes may override this property setting the HideNodeImage property. (Default: False
Int32: Returns or sets the image-list index value of the default image that is displayed by the tree nodes. (Default: -1
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified index is less than -1.
String: Returns or sets the key of the default image for each node in the TreeView control when it is in an unselected state. (Default: ""
ImageList: Returns or sets the ImageList that contains the Image objects that are used by the tree nodes. (Default: null
ImagePropertySettings: Creates the property manager for the Image properties on first use.
Int32: Returns or sets the distance in pixels to indent each child tree node level. (Default: -1
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The assigned value is less than -1; or the assigned value is greater than 500.
Int32: Gets or sets the height of each tree node in the tree view control. When the value is -1, uses the value set in the theme. (Default: -1
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The assigned value is less than -1; or the assigned value is greater than 500.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the label text of the tree nodes can be edited. (Default: False
TreeNodeCollection: Returns the collection of tree nodes that are assigned to the tree view control.
Int32: Returns or sets the image list index value of the image that is displayed when a TreeNode is expanded. (Default: -1
ArgumentException The index assigned value is less than -1.
String: Returns or sets the key of the default image shown when a TreeNode is expanded. (Default: ""
ImagePropertySettings: Creates the property manager for the Image properties on first use.
String: Returns or sets the delimiter string that the tree node path uses. (Default: "\"
Int32: Returns or sets the number of items to prefetch outside of the visible area when VirtualScroll is set to true. The default is 0 (disabled). (Default: 0
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the TreeNode under the pointer gets selected on a right click. (Default: False
When the right click lands outside of a selected area the selection is not changed regardless of the value of RightClickSelection.
TreeNode: The root node.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the tree view control displays scroll bars when they are needed. (Default: True
Int32: Returns or sets the image list index value of the image that is displayed when a TreeNode is selected. (Default: -1
ArgumentException The index assigned value is less than -1.
String: Returns or sets the key of the default image shown when a TreeNode is selected. (Default: ""
ImagePropertySettings: Creates the property manager for the Image properties on first use.
TreeNode: Returns or sets the tree node that is currently selected in the tree view control.
TreeNode[]: Returns or sets the tree nodes that are currently selected in the tree view control. Use this property when the SelectionMode is MultiSimple or MultiExtended.
SelectionMode: Returns or sets the method in which items are selected in the TreeView. (Default: One
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating ToolTips are shown when the mouse pointer hovers over a TreeNode. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether plus-sign (+) and minus-sign (-) buttons are displayed next to tree nodes that contain child tree nodes. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the expand/collapse icon is displayed for the root nodes (the firs level nodes). (Default: True
The name of this property is kept as-is for compatibility reasons. When set to true (default) it doesn't show any line next to the root nodes or any other node. It shows or hide the expand/collapse icon next to the root nodes.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the tree nodes in the tree view are sorted. (Default: False
ImageList: Returns or sets the image list that is used to indicate the state of the TreeView and its nodes. (Default: null
ImagePropertySettings: Creates the property manager for the Image properties on first use.
ComponentToolCollection: Returns the instance of ComponentToolCollection associated with this control.
TreeNode: Returns or sets the first fully-visible tree node in the tree view control.
IComparer<TreeNode>: Returns or sets the implementation of IComparer to perform a custom sort of the TreeView nodes.
Boolean: Enables or disables virtual scrolling for the TreeView. When virtual scrolling is enabled, only the visible nodes are rendered in the browser allowing the TreeView to host virtually unlimited nodes without any performance loss. (Default: False
When VirtualScroll is set to true, all the nodes must be of the same height, limiting the more flexible HTML rendering in the nodes available when VirtualScroll is off (default). Setting the property PrefetchItems to a value greater than 0 allows the virtual view to prefetch the specified number of items outside of the visible area to enable smoother scrolling.
This method has no effect on this control.
Unselects all nodes in the TreeView.
Collapses all the tree nodes.
Disposes the control.
This method has no effect on this control.
Expands all the tree nodes.
Retrieves the number of tree nodes, optionally including those in all subtrees, assigned to the tree view control.
Returns: Int32. The number of tree nodes, optionally including those in all subtrees, assigned to the tree view control.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified TreeNode is selected.
Returns: Boolean. true if the specified TreeNode is currently selected in the TreeView; otherwise, false.
ArgumentNullException The specified node is null.
ArgumentException The specified node is currently assigned to another TreeView.
Returns a collection of referenced components or collection of components.
Fires the AfterCheck event.
Fires the AfterCollapse event.
Fires the AfterExpand event.
Fires the AfterLabelEdit event.
Fires the AfterSelect event.
Fires the BeforeCheck event.
Fires the BeforeCollapse event.
Fires the BeforeExpand event.
Fires the BeforeLabelEdit event.
Fires the BeforeSelect event.
Creates and register this control and all its children.
Fires the NodeDrag event.
Fires the NodeMouseClick event.
Fires the NodeMouseDoubleClick event.
Fires the NodeMouseHover event.
Fires the NodeMouseLeave event.
Fires the ToolClick event.
Processes the event from the client.
Renders the client component.
Updates the client component using the state information.
Selects or clears the selection for the specified TreeNode in a TreeView.
ArgumentNullException The specified node is null.
ArgumentException The specified node is currently assigned to another TreeView.
InvalidOperationException The SelectionMode property is set to None.
Sorts the items in TreeView control.
TreeViewEventHandler Occurs after the tree node check box is checked.
TreeViewEventHandler Occurs after the tree node is collapsed.
TreeViewEventHandler Occurs after the tree node is expanded.
NodeLabelEditEventHandler Occurs after the tree node label text is edited.
TreeViewEventHandler Occurs after the tree node is selected.
TreeViewCancelEventHandler Occurs before the tree node check box is checked.
TreeViewCancelEventHandler Occurs before the tree node is collapsed.
TreeViewCancelEventHandler Occurs before the tree node is expanded.
NodeLabelEditEventHandler Occurs before the tree node label text is edited.
TreeViewCancelEventHandler Occurs before the tree node is selected.
TreeViewNodeDragEventHandler Fired when the user begins dragging a node.
TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler Fired when the user clicks a TreeNode with the mouse.
TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler Fired when the user double-clicks a TreeNode with the mouse.
TreeNodeMouseHoverEventHandler Fired when the mouse hovers over a TreeNode.
TreeNodeMouseHoverEventHandler Fired when the mouse leaves the TreeNode.
ToolClickEventHandler Fired when a ComponentTool is clicked.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
Deprecated: This method is deprecated. Use OnNodeDrag instead. Fires the ItemDrag event.
Deprecated: This event is deprecated. Use NodeDrag instead. ItemDragEventHandler Fired when the user begins dragging a node.